Quote Originally Posted by VariaVespasa View Post
And second item- Do Ansom and co know that Stanley has the lookamancer set-up and thus the intel advantage or not? If not then the sheer cuteness of Parsons attacks may give it away. What they can do about it is another question, of course.
I'm assuming that they don't. The best evidence I can think of for this is that, if the Coalition knew that Stanley had an all-seeing-eye view of the area, Jillian's repeated escapes wouldn't be suspicious -- they'd be flat-out preposterous.

The sudden black eye, with more apparently to follow, will be a clue that Stanley has gotten himself some competent, an even ingenious, leadership. That speech where Ansom assured his allies that one reason their victory is assured is because Stanley "has squandered his leadership corps" may come back to bite him in the butt.