Quote Originally Posted by douglas View Post
According to this Klog, his position as Chief Warlord means his leadership bonus is applied to ALL Gobwin Knob forces regardless of whether he's there to lead them in person. Given that, levelling himself up would be a Very Good Idea if it could be done safely without losing anything too important in exchange.
Would that even improve his command bonus? It's an interesting question. Apparently Erfword's command bonus is based purely on the "presence" of the commander, and not on their actual ability to intelligently command troops. Since leveling is supposed to represent an increase in experience, how would that effect his presence?

What if ranking commanders actually is tied directly to what they have learned on the field? Not that doesn't make any sense because uncroaked do not actually learn anything. Somehow the ranks must add to this ephemeral "command bonus" in a way that is not clear.

Perhaps Parson is already like, rank 50 or something and he will never get more, or perhaps fate will rear its head and as Parson gains experience points he also starts to lose weight and build muscle, thereby improving his presence.