As Star-Fist quizzically checks her cloak, Bleu-Blanc-Rouge goes into lecture mode.
"Stronger than a locomotive. Faster than a speeding bullet. Skilled enough to fight entire squads. Telekinetic juggernaut. Armed with devices a decade ahead of their era. Wielding powers beyond the ken of mortals.
Your group certainly isn't lacking in abilities.
But it's not enough. More powerful heroes than you have fallen and keep falling every day to the forces of crime, terror, chaos and general villainy the world over. The life expectancy of a superhero is shorter than the population's average by over a decade. To survive, to win, it is not enough to have power. You will have to use your power, and everything else at your disposal, in the best possible way.
Celerity, I believe your own first-hand experience is relevant here. You were in Megalopolis during Shadow's attempted takeover about a month ago. You were working with the Zenith Watch during the crisis. Remember your fight against Jack of all Trades - a single villain, with no powers beyond enhanced agility and combat skills, managed to succesfully hold his own against six medium-level superheroes, and two street-levelers.

((He's referring to an incident that was all over the news about a month ago - Omnicorp, the colossally rich and powerful mega-corporations that had built Megalopolis, had captured 99% of the city's heroes and announced it was having Megalopolis secceed from the USA. It used a Cryosphere-style cold generator to turn the city into an arctic area, let all the villains in the city jail out, and had armed patrols going through the streets with help from the supervillains of Global Might. The Zenith Watch, some of the only superheroes who hadn't been captured, managed to get some help, free the mayor, and rescue Omnicorp's CEO, George Li - apparently, the whole seccession thing was the work of a doppelganger, working for the criminal organization "Shadow". Shadow were trying to make it look like Omnicorp had gone rogue, so that its board members would be arrested - except for the one providing the FBI with (forged) evidence, who would then take control of the company (and was - guess what - an agent of Shadow). The Zenith Watch and its allies then managed to find Shadow's local base and storm it in a particularly epic battle.
Jack of all Trades (whom I believe I've mentionned in the OOC thread) is a member of Global Might, a group comprised of ten members - all of them among the world's greatest villains. Jack's abilities come from a chip in his brain that gives him enhanced combat abilities, and allows him to copy other people's moves, à la Taskmaster.
Oh, and "street-leveler" is a term commonly used to refer to low-PL superheroes and villains.))

"Any of you, and for that matter all of you, are liable to one day encounter a situation where your powers won't be enough; situations where you'll be out-powered. Which is why you're going to need to make the best of what you have. That means using your powers efficiently. Using your skills efficiently. Using your data efficiently. Using your team efficiently. Last but not least - use the environment efficiently."

((Sorry for not responding in several days - I defended my master's thesis yesterday, so, as you can imagine, I've been rather busy.))