Quote Originally Posted by Ninja_Chocobo View Post
Alright, new plan.
4 people you say?
Alright. 4 Wizards. Greater Teleport so they're directly next to Asmodeus.
Quickened Shapechange into Chronotyryns, followed by Maximised Time Stop.
Each Wizard can then cast 20 Maximised Enervations (10 normal, 10 Quickened), which gives 80 negative levels. Each.
Then, take his scepter, the Ruby Rod of Asmodeus.
Now you control Baator. Congratulations.
Ever heard of forbiddance?

And as to the OP, if its your first time ever playing D&D, start a weee bit smaller and work your way up would be my suggestion.

Make lvl 1-3 characters, make an adventure, explore it. Realize as you and your players learn the system the first 2-3 campaigns may be write-offs.

Once you have learned the system, you can look at bigger stuff. Look, DMing a mid-level game (lvl 8-13) can be challanging enough, let alone an EPIC one. As with anything, the more variables something has the more complex and therefore more unstable it is. Epic play, with the most variables (levels, accessible abilities, possible combinations) is the most unstable and therefore generally the most broken level of play.

To the logman: The devil's kill you and take all your silly rocks. LOL, you think Devil's play fair or give a crap about what you are aksing? Your rock-merchant needs POWER or nobody is going to CARE what price you are asking, they just are going to take it.