Quote Originally Posted by BarGamer View Post
If I were in Parson's place, I'd give Ansom (or his eventual replacement) the most horrible runaround they've ever had the misfortune to experience. Make them doubt anything and everything they've relied on. Up is down, left is right, black is white, evil is good! Make them hesitate. Make them do risky maneuvers. Make them use their trump cards, that only make things worse. The string of "victories" is only the beginning. The Donut of Doom is only a foretaste. If before we've given Vinny suspicions, now give him outright paranoid nightmares. You can let them suffer, but play to WIN, Parson.
"Gaslighting", that's called.

Make the object of your affections begin to doubt what is real, or otherwise. It's hard to do well, but from a single person up to an entire army, it IS possible...

(Think of all the fake radio traffic in the first Gulf War, making Saddam think they were coming in through Kuwait, while everything with move was doing the "Hail Mary Pass" movement...)

I'd have Ansom looking at his own people as traitors by the time he gets to GK...

PsyOps are fun.