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Thread: Horror Campaigns

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    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Default Re: Horror Campaigns

    There always seems to be something about high powered technology that reassures people. Even if it does no good against an opponent, holding a rocket launcher will generally serve to allay the fears of the players. Thats why I want to limit the time frame to Lovecraft, or even before, or just to go for strait up modded middle ages.

    Edit:I looked at FUDGE, and that may be feasible. There is virtually nothing there. While my inspection was cursory, it seemed as a means for providing a rough system for interactive story telling, rather than the modus operandi for the story itself, like D&D. While this will be a big shift, it might work. Does anyone with experience with FUDGE have input on this?
    Last edited by bugsysservant; 2007-07-11 at 10:15 PM.