Okay, so not commenting on anything that was said at the panel, here's a summary of CTCon...

It was a very good con, and we were treated graciously by the organizers. We thank them for their work and their kind hospitality. I think most of the people who were not with us had a great time.

Unfortunately, we had a curse on our trip that lasted all 4 days. It was an uphill battle all the way, full of obstacles which were outside our control. From the screen printer delaying the shirts, to double-puncturing a tire in the rental van, to traffic and rain and other logistical nightmares, to personal drama (not between me and Jamie, for the record), to various other weirdness and disappointments and distractions...it was just an ordeal.

There were good parts, for me at least.

I loved seeing all of those other webcomics creators, too many to name. Suffice it to say that if you read many webcomics, some of the creators of your favorites were there. I'm as much a fan of creators as I am of their comics, and I got to spend time with some of my favorite people.

The Erfworld panel was fun to do, but I wish I had thought more about what we'd say and do. Stolen candy is sweeter!

My concert with The FuMP went well, and the crowd dug it. Thanks to Luke Ski and Sudden Death for coming out.

All in all, there were things I wish we had done differently. But I don't know what we could have done to make this con work better for us.

Next time, we fly.