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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Default Re: Radikalskippy's Random Banter #85 of lost ideas and where to find them...

    Quote Originally Posted by FdL View Post
    Hahaha! I hadn't seen this!
    I hope not, after all my version was clearly inferior to her original, despite my intentions of making a little gift for her.

    Anyway, have you people seen the tiramisu photo on wikipedia? That's incredible...It's too much I think. I think it qualifies as food porn.
    Hol. E. Cruduckles. That pictures was the site equivalent of, say, sucking premium Quebec Maple Syrup up through the can whilst reading wish fufillment books while you gently hear children laughing in the distance.
    Mah head, it x-PLODE.

    And Yiel, two things.
    A, thankyouthankyouthankyou, and
    B, will you come to Montreal and be my personal breakfast chef?
    Srsly, sugar in the day is the BEST thing ever.

    PS, Death, you say "next to ginger beer sticky date pudding is my second most favorite thing to devour." That means ginger beer is second, sticky date pudding is next to it, so it's third. What's first?
    Last edited by Cyrano; 2007-07-17 at 10:51 PM.