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Thread: Trog's Thread of Blatant Advertising!

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    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    The sunny South

    Default Re: Trog's Thread of Blatant Advertising!

    OK re advertising.
    I have no objection to people trying to flog stuff to adults, we're are responsible for our own lives and purse strings and can only blame ourselves for any poor decisions we make.
    I do however object to advertising aimed at children. They do not have an independant income and are not as resiliant to advertising as adults (which is why they are mercylessly targeted by advertising)
    Don't tell me that the advertising can be avoided because it simply is not true.
    Adverts are everywhere, on childrens TV, magazines/comics, billboards, buses other children, films ... you get the picture.
    These adverts openly encourage children to nag their parents Bart and Lisa style until they fold. They also establish relentless consumerism in our next generation... (I shall not pursue this for fear of becoming too political) Sorry Trog, you are a lovely fellow and all, but I fear much of the blame must lie with advertising.
    A huge amount of research is put into more effective ways of apealing to our underlying nature, in an attempt to make the advertising irresistable.
    If you throw temptation at us everywhere we go you cannot say that it is entirely our fault if we succomb that is not a realistic assesment of the situation.
    2006 money spent on TV advertising alone was estimated $417 billion, given that sort of budget what chance do they have?
    Last edited by Charity; 2007-07-18 at 03:40 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lilly View Post
    I am now going to begin blaming everything that goes wrong on Charity. Just for gits and shiggles. And not even just things on the forums. Summer! Charity!