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Thread: Erfworld 70, page 64

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    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Erfworld 70, page 64

    Quote Originally Posted by SevleyT View Post
    I think this comic is good for showing us some of Wanda's weaknesses: overconfidence and pride. She seems completely oblivious to the possibility her spell could fail, which seems very likely. It is called suggestion, after all, not compulsion.

    I think Jillian will break the spell. The past few comics with her have shown us nothing if not her anger at being labelled a traitor. I think her desire to prove herself will overcome the suggestion. As Sizemore said, she is no longer inclined to follow Wanda's suggestions.

    If she does break the spell and croak the dwagons, it'll be good for the storyline. 1) It keeps Ansom in the fight. If Parson had nothing but victories, the comic would be fairly boring and Stanley/Parson would win handily. 2) It won't actually be Parson's fault. He should be able to escape the Tool's wrath because technically Wanda failed, not him. 3) I can easily see Wanda becoming very resentful of Parson. Until his arrival she was the only person close to the Tool who was competent. If she fails, he might not lose much respect in Stanley's eyes while he might rely on her less. Either way, it would probably create, in the Archons' words, a "stunningly dysfunctional group dynamic."

    Just my two cents.
    Your two cents are worth more than many.

    1) is a no-brainer. It's too soon for Ansom to die unless Vinny is to become the new "alter-agonist." That would be a pretty dramatic move, however, and would deserve complete focus from the plot. I think too many other things are going on right now for that to get the full effect it deserves.

    2) Parson's fault or no, the loss of the three warlords would be a greater disaster than the loss of the dwagons, anyway, and Tool & Co. would be equally screwed no matter who is blamed. If even one warlord survives, however, Parson will still have three warlords to raid the siege engines with in the future, and I think everyone is agreed that the siege must somehow be nullified to prevent the final battle from being a an easy victory for the alliance. Can Parson ride a dwagon into battle himself? Possibly, but if Ansom groups all his siege into one hex with all the air cover there Parson is probably not going to be able to do anything.

    3) Wanda becoming resentful is a new idea, I think, which is given a lot of credence in this comic. Interesting. I don't get the impression that Wanda holds grudges, however, and the same seems true for Parson, who seems completely frank and guileless amongst his own company. It may be that Wanda is being irrationally prideful and will take offense at Parson and Sizemore's meddling, but it may also be that she has a secret reason for having so much faith in her control of Jillian Zamussels, one that she is unwilling to explain (not that she needs a reason for that). I don't think it is because she secretly loves Jillian, because she did not hesitate to throw her into harm's way, but--to spin my wild tale again--perhaps Wanda has done something very powerful to Jillian that involves recovering the Arkenpliers for her own--Wanda's--use. I wouldn't bet a whole lot of money on that idea but I like it all the same.
    Last edited by Vreejack; 2007-08-01 at 06:57 PM.
    Illimir orc monk avatar by yours, truly. He seems to be looking for his cigarettes.