I see an option no one has discussed. Why not pick up Ansom, Vinnie, and Tarfu and instead of using their move to get back to the column, turn around and hit the wounded Dwagons?

If they did that, there would be 4 warlords adding in their bonuses and that would likely turn the tide.

Otherwise if Jillian and the Archons do attack, I see the following happneing. The uncroacked warlords will direct the dwagons to defend them until none are left but the ones they ride. This will severely weaken/croak Griffons and the Archons(possibly Jillian) before they can take out those warlords. If Jillian and archons are forced to disengage(or just Jillian) before those warlords are gone, Parsaon can pull to gether the remaingin Dwagons and crush whatever is left of Jillians stack. Then Ansom has no airforce to speak of that can defend his siege and Parson's remaining Dwagons will be free to take them out and run far away to get over the lake where forest units cannot hit them. Once all the siege is gone, how will Ansom get into GK?

Answer: a vicious grueling tunnel fight. That is what I want to see happen.