Quote Originally Posted by Kiyona View Post
The thing is, im a beginner... so i dont have the best strategies. But as soon as one of my spells fails (and they do, often... ***ing will saves ^^) the enemy realises me being the caster and as such the highest threat. Blinking in right next to me and smash.... nothing left but a puddle of blood. Casters doesnt have very good HP. ^^

Maybe I should talk to him... but I really think the problem is me not being experienced enough to play a beguiler (as I did the last time) well.

since you are new to DnD and casters. Sit down and read all your potental spells. One of the key things about bieng a caster is selecting the right spells. Putting fireball and lightening in all your spell slots isnt a good idea. Besides the blasting spells you need escape and some utility spells.

When selecting your spells check out what saves they allow. Its a good idea to have a mix of spells that dont allow saving throws, use reflex, use fort, and use will saves.

Before you sling a spell think for a second if that guy is likely to save against it. For example, That big burly warrior of doom is likly to save against your disintigration (since more warrior types have good fort saves), but will probably fail a will save (from say a dominate or hold spell). On the other hand that frail wizardly type will more likely fail your disintigrate than your dominate.

Like wise carry around a wand or two of ray of enfebblement. Nothing like taking away that melee monster's damage and attack way down and then making it helpless after a couple rounds. In this direction keep some wands (and eventually rods and staffs) on you at all times. Iv found that having a wand of something greatly helps.

A wand of fireball means you can still hurl doom without worrying about your spells later on. Got a locked door that has been arcane locked so you cant open it? Bust out the wand of shatter, and make a hole NEXT to the door and use that as a door. Got 200 ft of lava you have to cross and no way to get there and only levitate prepared? That wand of Tenser's floating disk helps get your friends across.

Get a wand of fly and greater invisibility. Nothing worse than a mage hurling doom from 700 ft in the air, you cant see him, and he has protection against arrows.

When looking at spells remember to look at combinations. For a super simple example, use flesh to stone then shatter.

Ready your actions. Mr. So and So charges you.....well you had readied our action so instead of charging into you he hits a prismatic wall.......