Charisma isn't all romantic.
And in any case, the skill checks for that sort of thing are in the excess of DC 70+. Charisma 50 gives you a measly +20.

Charisma 20 might equate to a movie star. Charisma 25-35 might equate to a character in a movie/book. (If you've ever noticed, fictional characters are just plain more interesting than real individuals.) Charisma 40 is a step beyond that, perhaps the most interesting character you could ever meet without being comical or outlandish.

- If she asks for a glass of water, it will be the delight and pleasure of the nearest NPC (even a King) to get her one.
- Like the public persona of a dictator, she can get entire regions to bow to her despotic whims. Whatever she tells the public, they'll buy.
- Her legacy will be so famous that it will be mentioned constantly in internet forum debates well into the next century, to the point that someone named Godwin will make a law about it.
- Her appearance is more likely to be unique than pristine. She may have a mole, unusual hair color, abnormally large nose, or some other defining feature. She could be downright the ugliest thing this side of hell, so long as it means you can't take your eyes off her.