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Thread: Cool Characters

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    Bugbear in the Playground
    SilverClawShift's Avatar

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    May 2007

    Default Re: Cool Characters

    Got a ton
    *rifles through character sheet stack* I'll be uber-polite and use spoiler tags since I'm putting up more than one character.

    Xeliaptolametycoria Valigkekktera Maglallivivex

    But really, just call me Xel. (and the main part of the name translated, very roughly, to Blistertongue... so I was usually refered to as Xel Blistertongue)
    Barbarian/Dragon Disciple (red) (with a level of Sorc)
    Was raised entirely by a vicious and notoriously evil red dragon. "Dad" was notorious for eating children (considered them a delicacy), and there was no one in the area strong enough to actually stop or slay him. A local church who had a few ties to Bahamut came up with a solution. They 'blessed' the dragon with a magical compulsion. It was the strongest thing they could successfully do to him. The compulsion was that he had a strong desire to see the children of other races grow healthy and strong.
    The blessing he received was what we call a Very Bad Idea. It was potent enough magic that he obeyed it, but he was horribly, horribly evil. To him, seeing the children of other races grow healthy and strong meant becoming their surrogate father (through force) and ensuring that they grew up struggling with violence and mental trauma, as struggle breeds strength.
    His cave turned into a menagerie of other races, only a few of us human. I was among the youngest of the humans he kidnapped from the nearby village that blessed him to begin with (before he wiped them out entirely), a baby who grew up in his caves from my earliest memory. He let anyone with a name keep theirs, but gave the youngest of us names more fitting of a draconic "heritage". He also ritualistically burned our arms/legs/backs in a scale pattern as we grew up, just a part of life.
    We (his "kids") managed to collectively destroy him when I was only 14, and we generally stuck together for a while, using his substanial hoarde for survival. Eventually we all split out of disgust and prudence.
    That's the backstory.
    In the nitty-gritty, my character thought she had overcome her dark past, and honestly beleived that she was a champion of good, but she was actually closer to true neutral. She was wicked and cunning and unforgiving, and wholey, unrepentedly brutal. I had a lot of fun with that character, ranging from "so dispassionate it makes ascetic monks uncomfortable" to "Here comes the flames and fury"

    Also, from the "Kinda Silly But Still Pretty Cool" files

    Annette Corina Hellsing

    Urban Variant Range/Foe Hunter
    who was, naturally, a vampire hunter, and the current last descendant of the Hellsing bloodline. The Hellsings had a problem with always being the last of their bloodline, for obvious reasons.
    Backstory is totally cliche of course, when your family bloodline has an ongoing fight with one of the worlds most vicious and cunning vampires, your history is going to be a tad predictable. My stated goal was to find a way to put Big Bad D-Man down, for good (which I "supposedly" accomplished by dragging him, kicking and screaming, into the positive energy plane itself. Not that Draculas death ever sticks)
    One thing I loved about the character was that the DM let me have something ridiculously cool. In a low-tech level campaign, I had the only two flintlock pistols in existance, Hellsing family heirlooms by a crazy inventor (artificer) hellsing. I grew up reloading them, and when prepped I could reload them fast enough to fire once a round each. Okay, not really ideal from a crunch standpoint, but the DM also gave them to me as 3d4 damage weapons with a crit multiplier of 4.
    And of course, plenty of blessed silver bullets
    Last edited by SilverClawShift; 2007-08-29 at 09:25 PM.