I asked this one in the Simple Q&A thread, but had slightly differing opinions on the answer (not surprising, as it's quite confusing).

When using the Empower Spell metamagic feat on a spell, which bits get multiplied by 1.5?

Empower Spell's text reads:

All variable, numeric effects of an empowered spell are increased by one-half. Saving throws and opposed rolls are not affected, nor are spells without random variables. An empowered spell uses up a spell slot two levels higher than the spell’s actual level.
So how does this apply to a spell like, say, Ray of Enfeeblement cast at CL 10? Does the +5 from caster level get multiplied by 1.5 as well, or not?

If yes, the result is (1d6+5) * 1.5 = an average of ~13 or so.
If no, the result is (1d6*1.5) + 5 = an average of ~11 or so.

Argument in favour of yes: The PHB 3.5 entry for Empower Spell gives Magic Missile as an example, and says that you multiply each missile, 1d4+1, by 1.5. This includes the +1.

Argument in favour of no: Any +x value isn't variable, since you're not rolling a dice (though it is numeric).

If you rule yes, Empower Spell becomes more powerful than Maximise Spell for a lot of effects. For Ray of Enfeeblement, under the first interpretation, an empowered version is significantly more powerful on average than a maximised version. Ditto for False Life: maximised at CL 10, it gives 20 HP; empowered, an average of 23. The same applies for all the Cure spells, assuming you're casting them at maximum caster level. This leads to particularly weird effects with prestige classes like Radiant Servant of Pelor, which has the ability to automatically empower and later maximise healing spells - they actually get worse at healing as their class features upgrade!

The Magic Missile example makes me think the rules support the 'yes' answer, but this seems to make Maximise Spell significantly worse than Empower, which is a bit odd. I'm wondering if there's an official ruling on this anywhere in the FAQ or Sage Advice columns. Since it's a core-only issue, it must come up quite a bit.

What does everyone think?

- Saph