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Thread: Erfworld 76, page 70

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    Magnificent Boop in the Playground
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    Northern Virginia

    Default Re: Erfworld 76, page 70

    Quote Originally Posted by Girl Wonder View Post
    I'm not sure if I expect the following to happen, but it certainly is a possibility...

    Parson has just given the order to croak Jillian. Wanda (exhibiting some human qualities for once rather than just being a soulless manipulator) shouts 'No!' and jumps in to countermand it because maybe -she- feels something for Jillian, even as Jillian has rejected her. A big argument ensues beside the game table with the now-discredited Wanda rationalizing why Jillian should NOT be croaked (how ironic!) vs. Parson and Stanley's insistance that she MUST be. She'll lose the argument (her stock IS rather low right now) but have disrupted Parson's instant control of the battle long enough to allow Jillian to win it (the odds are in her favor, after all). Wanda's now in it even deeper, but Jillian survives Parson's tactical wizardry because of Wanda's interference, and there's a -lot- of new dynamics kicking around inside of GK because of it.
    I'm posting another reply to this, because a scenario occurred to me -- one I don't consider to be particularly likely, but isn't outside the realm of possibility, and is certainly amusing to consider:

    Stanley objects to Parson's order, not because he is opposed to the idea but because he's miffed that Parson showed a bit too much independence for his liking. Once again, he starts yelling out "garbage" in the middle of a critical operation, and potentially boops it up....

    Quote Originally Posted by teratorn View Post
    I wonder what makes Wanda so likable.
    She does have a certain charisma, competence, and toughness in the face of adversity. Come to think of it, I'm reminded of the classic English Lit description of the sympathetic aspects of Milton's Satan.
    Last edited by SteveMB; 2007-09-08 at 01:47 AM.