Quote Originally Posted by SteveMB View Post
I'm posting another reply to this, because a scenario occurred to me -- one I don't consider to be particularly likely, but isn't outside the realm of possibility, and is certainly amusing to consider:

Stanley objects to Parson's order, not because he is opposed to the idea but because he's miffed that Parson showed a bit too much independence for his liking. Once again, he starts yelling out "garbage" in the middle of a critical operation, and potentially boops it up....
I think Stanley has enough confidence in his Chief Warlord now to not screw this up. After all, it was Stanley that ordered Parson back to the wartable to respond to the uncomfortably close Jillian and co. And he just found out that Jillian hates him (durrr), to which he responded, "Well I hate her too." I doubt he'll act to save her.

But you're right, it is amusing to consider - and not outside the realms of possibility. My prediction depends on him acting rationally and predictably.