I know everyone is talking about the current battle, the Donut of Doom and how Ansom escaped it, the Wanda-Jillian-Ansom love triangle, whether or not Parson is the Ultimate Warlord, and several other topics, but since I am waiting for OotS to start back up, I decided to reread all the Erfworld comics.

When I noticed something... interesting.

Look at page three: http://www.giantitp.com/comics/erf0003.html

An old castle, a nearly uncrossable ravine, and a ricketey bridge spanning the gap. Think Parson might be able to sow a bit of hate and discontent with the B-dwagons as Ansom tries to bring his troops across that nasty little chokepoint?

Ansom's plan depends heavily on the siege engines. Without them, he has to bombard from the skies (which Stanley owns), or penetrate the tunnels, which are controlled by the gobwins.

Other (ruder) people say: "Discuss!"
I stick with my more polite: Any Thoughts?