Quote Originally Posted by Krellen View Post
I see no evidence she has the BFS in this comic at all. We see no blade - only pommel. And we don't see the back of the dagger's pommel either, so the pommel in panel 7 could easily be the dagger's pommel.

All this conjecture that she has her sword and it can change size has come completely out of left field.
There is no hard evidence, but there is evidence that it could be.
1)We know the sword is magical because
..a) we know wanda dropped two magical items from here
..b) that the two items are recovered by the coalition here
..c) and that Webinar and Dora get the sword and hat here
2) (at least some) magical items can be resized from here

points 1 and 2 taken together indicate that it is within the realm of possibility that the sword could be re-sized.

Given that, I would say that idea that the dagger is the sword resized came from third base, not left field, to stretch the metaphor.