Quote Originally Posted by Kaelik View Post
A) But it is the preeminent source for "Batman Wizards" which you declared never use save or suck.
B) No one ever brings up forcing natural ones, that requires more spell slots and actions then it is worth. But yes, part of that 10% involves no save spells to deal with the (exceedingly rare) instances of people who can save against your spells.
C) I never said a single thing about the actual proposed mechanics of changing saves, and I certainly did not defend them, so most of your post is wasted.
For the record, I never said that they never use save or die/suck spells. I just was pointing out that given the opportunity, most people start going for the ones that can't be saved against. While people usually can't avoid your spells a lot of high level monsters have pure BS saves. That 10% seems to come up a whole lot for me personally. That's all I'm saying.

Either way, I think we're arguing over a small difference at certain levels.

I think my overall point for the topic itself though, is that I think that this house rule is inherently unbalanced in that it takes an aspect that is the edge for a couple of classes and makes it moot.