About the rogue, something I recently posted in another thread could help. It's the Undead Stalker, mentioned in the Dungeon Masters Guide. Sort of a roguey rangery thingy.

Creating New Classes
It's possible to create entirely new classes, or rather, to alter existing classes so drastically that they're no longer recognizable. For example, you could make the following adjustments to the ranger.

* Limit his weapon selection to resemble the rogue's list of weapon proficiencies.
* Change his favored enemy ability so that it applies only to undead, and his bonus improves by 2 every five levels.
* Give him the rogue's sneak attack ability, but change it so that it's only usable against undead.
* Change his spell list so that it consists of spells that deal strictly with undead or that are used for subterfuge and sneaking.
* At 3rd level, give him the paladin's smite evil ability, usable only against undead.

Now the class is the undead stalker, a stealthy character skilled in tracking and slaying undead.

Direct quote from the DMG, for what it's worth.

That's my 2 cp worth.