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Thread: Redemption IC

  1. - Top - End - #23
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Default Re: Redemption IC

    Hearing the gnomes remark, Wilhelm turns to consider him.

    "What were you running, and was it for personal use or resale? I only ask because I used to know a guy, who knew a guy, if you know what I mean, who paid top dollar for anything he could get his hands on. We get outta this mess, perhaps you and I could make a business arrangement?"

    He pats down his pockets and sighs,

    "Silly paladins probably burnt my business cards when they got rid of my possessions. 1 a gold per hundred I paid for those" He shakes his head once again at societies decline.

    Turning back to Seraphina.

    "Did you have any way of knowing that this supposed 'familiar'" he adds the quotes with his fingers "was anything than the animal it appeared? Because otherwise, its just an honest mistake."
    Last edited by Mavian; 2007-10-14 at 02:39 AM.
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