All the while, as the convicts have their polite conversation, the shouts and the stomping from above became louder and louder. And, at the same time that Seraphina had decided to make her way up the stairs, a rather rude deckhand had pushed her out of the way on his run down the stairs and towards the paladin's chamber.

He's banging on the door while making the frequent cry "Orcs!", which of course caused the gnome to venture out..."Did you say orcs?"
"Pirates, sir."
"Yes sir, Pirates."
The gnome smiles. "I love orcs," he says as he waddles towards the stairs, "There so easy to kill," he pulls out his warhammer, "and there's so many of them. And the best part is, you can never feel bad for putting them down!" Weapon in one hand, shield in the other, the convicts watch as the paladin continues to waddle up the stairs, remembering what he said earlier about his death (except for Thoven maybe, who was in the middle of a wicked ride).