Quote Originally Posted by Omicroncubed View Post
Because of Phil or other reasons?

If because of Phil, open this spoiler. If not, then there's no need.

History of Phil in ABR I and II
Back in the first ABR thread there was a party hosted by a few people (I can't remember who) and Phil had sneaked into the party (Phil is my thought up person, but drawn by kpenguin for the first time). Of course Kpenguin killed phil by asking salmon to drop a salmon on Phil. No signs of Phil seen in ABR II.

History of Phil in ABR III and IV
For this he swore revenge on kpenguin and the last time we saw him was when he came and interfeared with the plot by coming in and ''having his revenge'' on kp. Of course salmon dropped a salmon on him and yet again, died. Now apparently he somehow got in the citadel and... well apparently I killed him.

No, I just have no idea what's goin on...