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Thread: Redemption IC

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    Barbarian in the Playground
    Nowhere Girl's Avatar

    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Default Re: Redemption IC

    "Hey! Big oaf!"

    Recovering her footing, Seraphina glares angrily at the retreating back of the deckhand. Then her ears perk up at the mention of pirates.

    "Hey, did you hear that?" she asks the other two, then starts again and turns to watch as the gnomish paladin gleefully charges out, warhammer in hand. Her expression shifts from mild dismay to resignation before settling finally on wry amusement.

    "Guess we'd better follow." Twisting her expression into a cheerful one, she adds, "Maybe we can take the orcs' plunder!"

    She draws her sword and follows up after the gnome, moving more slowly and keeping low.

    Hide/Move Silently and assuming Assassin's Stance
    Last edited by Nowhere Girl; 2007-10-14 at 11:38 PM.