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Thread: Low-Magic Campaign Setting

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    Pixie in the Playground

    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Pennsylvania, USA

    Default Re: Low-Magic Campaign Setting

    I am in the beginning phases of developing a low power world myself.

    I like what you have so far, especially the stats for settlements. The clearpoints are a great idea as well. I generally ban teleport spells but have only being able to use them in specific areas is a nice compromise.


    To help control the spellcasting population, spellcasters of any type are essentially a prestige class. Give them low enough prereqs that PCs can take them at 3rd level or so.

    I like the restrictions on magic items available. I would even tone it down further. As a compensation, allow spellcaster PCs to create more powerful magic items if they do a lot of special quests or arcane research in game.

    Maybe there's a lot of bogus magic items out there as well. Make detect magic a higher level spell and force PCs to develop their appraise skills?

    Magical tests through a tightly regulated mage guild or church to gain access to higher level spells. PCs have to develop their skills (arcana, religion, etc...) to pass the tests. Also allows for a lot of plot hooks because the PCs need to stay affiliated with the guild or church to advance.

    Outright ban more powerful spells like resurrection, flight, polymorph. wish, etc...

    I also generally go with a cosmology that only includes the PM, elemental, and ethereal crazy demons, conjure up.
    Last edited by davwalp; 2007-10-19 at 06:38 PM.