squirrel: *chases tail*
General I. Zation: El Presidente!
squirrel: *continues to chase tail*
General I. Zation: Sir!!!
squirrel: *pauses, glares* what? this better be important
General I. Zation: Your Squirreliness, the Connorian fleet has not moved. By remaining, they could just sail into Venice at thier whim.
squirrel: what? they wouldn't do that, King Connor's a friend. Besides, it's only Venice
General I. Zation: If they invaded, we couldn't support expanding the army
squirrel: so?
General I. Zation: our forces would pale in comparison to our enemies
squirrel: so?
General I. Zation: we couldn't defend our lands effectively
squirrel: so?
General I. Zation: ...
squirrel: are we done? I was in the middle of something
General I. Zation: Um... all our... um... bagel... production facilities... are in Venice
squirrel: What!?!
General I. Zation: Yes! Definetly! If we were to lose Venice, there might be no bagels for... months, years even.
squirrel: All forces in the area march to Venice!
General I. Zation: El Presidente, we should only order one, becau-
squirrel: ALL FORCES!
General I. Zation: but sir,
squirrel: Are you the squirrel in charge here?!?
General I. Zation: I am not a squirrel, sir.
squirrel: Exactly! I am! All forces! Else I'll send you to work in the Venetian bagel mines you seem so eager to leave defenseless.
General I. Zation: *sigh* Yes, sir.
squirrel: excellent *resumes chasing tail*