Nerd-O-Rama made surprisingly many points I would have made myself.

Let's see, what has he left...

- The Lord of the Rings books are an excellent fantasy trilogy
* And so is the Silmarillion
* They are far away from being the best though.

- Star Trek is, for the most part, really, really bad (and, so that this is not pure negativity on my part, I shall elaborate why):
* The characters... are no characters. They are flat, one-dimensional and lack any flaws to make them human or interesting. They are way too perfect for that.
* Technobabble does not an interesting plot device make.
* Star Trek is quite possibly the most hypocritical series ever: It's basic message is "Aliens are good - as long as they are exactly like us!", also known as "Anything different from us is baaaad!". Hive mind? Why, obviously, inferior to humans in every possible way, and also, evil. Immortality, elder races, other empires? All are greedy, selfish, evil, immature, lacking of human emotions (which are, obviously, superior to anything else), and basically only human ethics are right. Ever.

...huh. I think this last one might have put me on many a black list.