"Not today, Lam!" Improv says as he throws another object. This time, it explodes mid-air into a net, which catches the triad leader. While entangled, Lam barely manages to stay upright, and tries to aim another blast at Improv...which is when his eye catches something flying at him from the corner of his vision: Powerhouse's foe, whom the latter has successfully lifted and used as a thrown weapon. After a violent collision, the large thug gets up and jumps toward Powerhouse, trying to land another haymaker; once again, Powerhouse dodges. Lam seems completely out of it.
Leshi's attempts to stop Dicaprio from vibrating painfully don't really seem to be doing much except make it easier for him to hurt her...But the vibrations seem to stop for a few seconds when she manages to clock him in the face. In fact, he seems somewhat dazed.
"Nothing's Sacred" managed to land a punch on Sekhmet's stomach right before she takes off. It hurts ((one stun hit)), but not enough to stop her from taking to the air and launching her fireball at him. While he sees through her feint and dodges in the right direction, he still isn't quick enough. He screams from the pain, and looks up at you with hatred in his eyes (also, no clothes. And some second-degree burns). That's when a blast of kinetic energy from FX hits him on the head, causing him to spin in the air as he flies away before hitting the ground, unconscious.
The eager thug, still recovering from the bright flash, decides to focus on Improv. The spherical device (barely) blocks a superhumanly strong punch from him; he swats it away, and grabs Improv by the shoulder of his broken arm. You hear a cracking noise, and a groan of pain from Improv...