I'm playing a psychic warrior in my current game. I'm not sure how good my 'build' is, but I'm a half-giant, 4th level Psychic Warrior (ECL 5). So far, it's going very good. Metaphysical weapon is hours/level, so I don't have to worry about magic weapons and I save some early money. The class is very self-sufficient, as it can heal damage and stat loss on its own, and has a nice assortment of abilities (like the aformentioned dimension slide). I'm currently the damage dealer of the party, and with my high Con, I have the most HP despite only have 4 levels, plus Vigor gets me through the tough fights (20 temporary HP is really helpful). Right now, my powers are:
1st: Metaphysical Weapon, Force Screen, Vigor
2nd: Body Adjustment
I took psionic talent, psionic weapon and psionic body feats to help with attacks and HP.
With force screen up, I have very decent AC as well.