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Thread: Psychic Warrior?

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    Orc in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    In the Playground

    Default Re: Psychic Warrior?

    So you find the class quite powerful and versatile. That's good to know.
    Do you have any plans for future character development?

    I'm considering either a Greatsword wielding Elan or a Xeph with weapon finesse(probably using a shortsword or rapier) as my character, with both of them(probably) having a focus around the type of skills I mentioned in my first post - a teleporting Greatsword wielding Elan with 360 degree vision sounds who can increase his Str/Dex/Con by dropping other stats just sounds like alot of fun to me.

    But I'm really not sure on how to develop this character.
    From what I've seen so far, doing anything other than sticking with a Psychic Warrior could leave me with a rather small number of power points - multiclassing into a psion would leave a Psychic Warrior with fewer power points than a pure psychic warrior and multiclassing into a non-psionic class would leave a Psychic Warrior with a rather pitiful number of power points for his level(as far as I can tell atleast).
    Last edited by Shovah; 2007-11-27 at 06:04 PM.