My suggestion: You might wanna consider picking up a lance, longspear, guisarme, ranseur, or glaive. Mostly because that extra reach is nice when combined with Expansion.

Race: You're better off as a Xeph. The dexterity boost plus your lack of heavy armor will make you abit harder to hit.

Of course, none of that matters if you can pick up a Human with Hidden Talent as a bonus feat.

+2 PP and another first level power.

If you go human, take three levels of Human Paragon. You'll end up with +2 to WIS, an unrestricted bonus feat, and +2 levels of manifesting(essentially the same thing as spellcasting). If you take Slayer to 10, you end up with +17 BAB. So an extra attack, an inherent WIS bonus, and an unrestricted bonus feat at the cost of two fighter bonus feats, two psionic powers, and a few power points(which are made up for by the +2 WIS bonus).