Quote Originally Posted by Prometheus View Post
Odd huh, almost like something or someone is artificially prolonging your character's lives...probably nothing :P
Yeah. I thought the same thing after about 10th time it happened and asked our DM about it. Turns out it's not fiat, but actually happening. Our DM keeps all of the mobs HP on index cards and has since let us see exactly how much damage we do to things if we ask. He also refuses to know exactly how much HP we have.

We actually prefer to have a little fear in the world that something really bad could happen, and our DM has absolutely no problem killing us.

This is what makes it so odd that the 1HP thing keeps happening. If it were just the DM keeping us (or the mobs) alive (which it's not), we'd be ever so pissed. He says he's not and I have no reason to not believe him. Even if I did, he's given evidence to prove it.