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Thread: A New Chance

  1. - Top - End - #424
    Orc in the Playground
    PlasticSoldier's Avatar

    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Right below TPAM

    Default Re: A New Chance

    Drill Clone turns the drill off. and turns to the guards "What would you guards normally do in this situation?". Meanwhile Orig. thinks
    Guard Clone go stall the guards I'll be there in a sec. Guard Clone holsters his pistol and walks out to the main lobby casually nodding to the new guards. Orig. runs down the stairs and gets the .22 from Drill, leaaving behind his pistol and walks to the top of the staircase, before crouching and sneaking into the office they drilled through.


    Disguise - (1d20+16)[34]<- I'm including the ten from the alter form thing.
    MoveSilent - (1d20+2)[21]Hide - (1d20+2)[14]