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Thread: A New Chance

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    Troll in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Portland, OR

    Default Re: A New Chance

    Kid Zeus

    Quote Originally Posted by Wiz View Post

    Pulse throws up his cape, blocking out the harsh light of Kid Zeus' corona. "Wait!" He glances over to see if Reaper has fled or not, regardless, he will spare a glance at Kid Zeus. "If we can settle the matter of this man's troubled spirit, murderer or not... should... we... not... try!?!"
    "He can settle his troubled spirit all he wants when he's locked up with the other crazies, but right now all I see is a murderer who needs to be brought to justice before he can hurt any more people! I saw stuff about him on the news, man! Do you have any idea what kind of body count this monster's racked up?! I don't care if he's gone straight or not. He needs to be put on trial for what he's done!" Kid Zeus exclaimed, still looking straight at Reaper unless Pulse's cape blocked the way. "If he wants to turn himself in that's fine, but if not it's our responsibility to do it for him."
    Last edited by ChronicLunacy; 2007-12-02 at 04:18 PM.
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