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Thread: A New Chance

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    Troll in the Playground
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    Jul 2007

    Default Re: A New Chance


    Pulse listens to Nosferatu, then nods. "All right, check on the girl please, then join me down below. I'll be finding some police officers to convey us to they mayor." He goes over to pick up his case. He turns and tips his hat to the others. "Til tomorrow, my friends." He walks over to the fire door and pulls out the same device (which for all the world looks like Dr. Who's sonic screwdriver) and points it at the lock. He triggers another button, and there is a clicking noise from the lock and the door swings open.

    Taking 10 on disable device for 25, if for some reason the lock would be higher DC than that... then where's the rest of the roof security. :)

    Pulse walks down the stairs til he gets to ground level and walks out among the fire brigade still here, looking around for police he spots a couple who are keeping the crowds back. He walks over to them, "Excuse me, officer, I'm Pulse, and I need someone to convey me to the mayor and call ahead. I have the escaped and self-proclaimed former supervillain Reaper with me. Reaper has placed himself in my custody, and he is willing to turn himself in and accept they mayor's judgement of his crimes and whatever punishment his honor lays forth. I suggest we call ahead so that the mayor can provide whatever security he feels will make him the most comfortable."
    Last edited by Wiz; 2007-12-02 at 09:05 PM. Reason: Epimetheus...
    Show me a hero, and I'll write you a tragedy.
    - F. Scott Fitzgerald