
"Ah, one of the many costs paid in order to look dramatic by having a billowing cloak. Just be careful not to fly near jet engines or moving machinery with that thing, ok? I can already see the headlines: "Hero sucked into own glider by cape". Still, it has proven kind of useful this time. Hmm. Would it be worth catching a cab or something? Walking the streets may be an invitation for some vengeful murder victum family member to try and take Reaper themselves."

Nosferatu pauses for a minute, before looking into the shadowed alcove below the cloak.

"Hey Reap, just so we don't accidently remove you from existence or something, how does your power work? Do you blend with the shadows or just hide in them?"

Nosferatu looks around, making sure there is a fair distance between themselves and seeing if any of the other supers decided to tag along.

"By the way, the little girl was there as promised. Maybe there is hope for the Reaper. Hmm, it does not look like the Kid Zeus is going to try anything either. Perhaps the streets are safe to walk once again!"

Nosferatu walks easily. Since meeting the other heroes, even with the interruption from Reaper, it feels as if a great lift has been lifted. He is not alone.