Quote Originally Posted by Craig1f View Post
Well, when he entered a frenzy, he didn't do any of this "um, let's see, how can I avoid hurting you ... I guess I'll try to grapple him instead of swinging my axe". No sir, he said "Raaawwr, I start raging also, take 5 steps into the middle of the group, go full power attack, and start with a a full-attack on the Wizard. Does a 30 hit?" He was out for our blood, and had no compulsions against trying to take advantage of his great cleave on the entire party.

Fortunately, the DM decided that we had to roll initiative before he got our attack because of the "raaaaawwwr", I won, and put up a wall of stone.
That's exactly my point. Trust the Players to RP their characters. He's a Raging Barbarian, he shouldn't be saying "I look through his pockets!"

I've played many characters that wouldn't have bothered looting the Assassin at all, giving the DM time to have people on the street run over and grab things from his body before the rest of the party showed up.

My favorite is a current Wizard who won't even touch anything unless he thinks it's magic or related to.

He has so far touched:
A staff (given to the Sorcerer)
A spellbook (kept)
A few Component pouches (mostly just glanced inside and then dropped right there)
A wand (given to the Cleric)

Everytime he kills some thief or something, he just leaves the body. He refuses to make touch attacks (doesn't use any of those spells) because he would have to touch something mundane. He even has a Fortifying Bedroll so that he doesn't have to sleep in something mundane (no MMM yet) and he flie with Overland Flight so he doesn't touch the ground.