Quote Originally Posted by tainsouvra View Post
While you are welcome to houserule that in, there is nothing in the rules about the player not being allowed to play his character and one rule that would unequivocally prevent what happened from being legal. Remember, the rules specifically permit the barbarian to end his rage at will, which means that the DM making the barbarian not able to take control of his actions again after felling his opponent is completely contrary to the ability's description. At a bare minimum, the player is completely justified in saying "my character stops raging". Additionally, it is generally bad form for the DM to take control of a player's character when it isn't strictly necessary. In effect, it's using Rule 0 to stop a player from playing the game.
Just to clarify, the assasin did succeed in killing the barbarian's sister. The barbarian didn't really want to stop. The players never knew what the guy actually had, and DM's are DM's. Why is it that there is so much "it's not fair" crap with 3rd edition players? The rules are a just a guidline, the important thing is that everyone have fun, not who wins.