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Thread: What do you look for in a setting?

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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Prometheus's Avatar

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    Jul 2006

    Default Re: What do you look for in a setting?

    1) A regular amount of magic: Low magic seems bound to either be a failure or have replacements that aren't as interesting. If you entire gaming group is power-gamers that cannot resist becoming Batman or Cheeseballs, play a different game
    2) Powerful natural hazards: There is nothing more silly than a hazard like and Avalanche, Sandstorm, or Quicksand which utterly ineffective to higher level players. They make for fine challenge when level appropriate, but I think that it should be able to scale a little higher, which can mean outlandish but also interesting terrain. Correspondingly, creatures of the wilderness should present a threat even too adventurers, which makes travel for commoners difficult. Perhaps a "Forbidden Zone" as described by Alyosha.
    3) Unique cities: A kingdom with either expansionist or defensiveness strategies gets boring real quick. Mix up the system of government, culture, landscape, races, classes, etc.
    4)Unifying theme: There should be something that connects the entire landscape. Landlocked? In the process of colonization? Island chain? Epidemic disease? Dominant religion? Or yes, even Low-Magic...Think Dune. Think Waterworld. Think Post-apocalypse. Think Salem. It also serves as a major plot device and a n explanatory factor for all major world interaction.
    5) Good DMing: Seems to be much more influential than setting :P
    Last edited by Prometheus; 2007-12-05 at 07:11 PM.