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Thread: Who the Heck makes this stuff?

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Who the Heck makes this stuff?

    I'm simply giving examples of magic items with stories.

    I don't mean that people should turn their D&D games in LotRs and I certainly don't want this thread to turn into people personal opinion of LotRs.

    Also, I wasn't really debating with anyone; I was giving suggestions on how to make magic items in D&D games more important/fun than shiny objects being thrown around willy nilly.

    One example that I used (The One Ring) was setting specific, but I did not mean that all magic items should be capable of spelling doom for the entire world and hunted down by the most powerful entity in the world. Sorry, I could have been more clear.

    I simply meant The Ring (and other rings) to be examples of items that the creator tried to keep tabs on after creating it.

    I'm not quite sure why you would choose to reprimand my choice of reference material rather than address the ideas that I presented or contribute something else relevant to the discuss.

    Speaking of contributing relevant things to the discussion...

    Fenix_of_Doom and SweetRein are right about magic items being crafted throughout history and surviving to fall into the hands of present day adventurers. I definitely like to use this approach and it also allows plenty of opportunity to craft epic backstories to go with your epic items as well as to have items be important to plot; if your PCs or NPCs are even a fraction the age of the items then they may have encountered them before.

    Also Gish characters are good candidates for crafting magical arms and armor. Casters may also have granted powerful items to those who they knew would serve to further their ambitions (whether good or evil). Items, through the years, would also be given to seduce individuals into service... ...or reward them for service and deeds.

    EDIT: Oop, new post while I posted, will go read now.
    Last edited by Rowanomicon; 2007-12-15 at 08:31 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by EvilElitest View Post
    You are a god
    Many thanks to Bisected8 for the Jokertar.