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Thread: Who the Heck makes this stuff?

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    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Default Re: Who the Heck makes this stuff?

    Quote Originally Posted by TheLogman View Post
    Two theories:

    1. There is a Genesis Plane of Archivists where everyone is happy and there is pie. The Archivists make stuff.
    Midgard Dwarves, actually. Crack Frostburn to page 124 and read about 'em.

    2. The spirits of all TN wizards are whisked to a boring plane where they spent all the power they've amassed in life, spending all their XP (The Plane is special in that you can de-level via said loss) and gold until they get to level 1 Wizard, where they return to life, reincarnated as a Sorcerer.
    Bweheheh. I like that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rowanomicon View Post
    Tsu, your explanation of how there are many foos starts out with someone thinking it's a good idea to make thousands of useless items.
    Feel free to use whatever you like in your games, but that explanation seems like a bit of a cop-out to me.
    It happens in real life all the time, man. Just Google useless inventions.

    I'm only saying that I enjoy games where magical items mean something more than the number attributed to them.
    Hey, that's fine -- my point is that you can't make your players (and, by extension, their characters) feel that way if they disagree no matter what you do.

    The bit The Ring was addressed already.
    Not really. My point is that Sauron would have gone after it if it were a broken beer bottle that happened to contain his soul. The One Ring is probably the most famous MacGuffin in literary history besides the Holy Grail.
    Last edited by tsuyoshikentsu; 2007-12-15 at 08:45 PM.