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Thread: Dominic Deegan: Oracle for Hire

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    Troll in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Default Re: Dominic Deegan: Oracle for Hire

    Quote Originally Posted by HidaTsuzua View Post
    It feels weird saying this. But I don't think today's comic is so bad. It's a series of panels showing that both Dominic and Luna are feeling grouchy and annoyed. And it gets that point across.
    There's 'getting the point across' and 'let me tell you how they're feeling ... by using this SLEDGEHAMMER'.

    A simple discussion between Luna and someone close to both of them (Jayden, Miranda, or Melna at the least), where Luna expresses that their relationship is a bit rocky at the moment would work just as well, if not better.

    It tells the readers that, no, their relationship is NOT the perfect, lovey-dovey thing that people have thought, without either side looking absolutely bat<censored> insane.

    However, we're only here because of sudden character/relationship derailment, but this comic doesn't add to that. The art is bad, but we knew that. However this comic doesn't want me to bang my head against my desk. It's just unexceptional fare. This arc is likely doomed, but this comic isn't going to save or damn it.
    We KNOW they're arguing already; this doesn't give anything new other than a 'let's talk', which could have been done yesterday by sacrificing a panel.
    It's more sledgehammer storytelling.
    Last edited by sihnfahl; 2007-12-18 at 02:13 PM.
    May you get EXACTLY what you wish for.