Actually, I can get ECL 2

Fire-souled template <==

But yes, I was thinking expert or adept. I guess what I am really getting at is strategy and planning. What is the most effective way to USE an expert or adept to eventually prepare/fund an army?

My first thought was => sell crafting/proffession to make a few buck
- but this would net very little gold per week

Second thought was => start crafting a house/tower/keep for the eventual army
- but once I worked out the math a lvl 1 could barely make 20-40g with of crafting a week (so by the time even large groups make a keep I'm an old man or just got a wizard to make it)

Third thought was => make them all adepts and have them sell their services around town.
- As a lvl 1 adept that is 3 lvl0 spells for 5g each and 1 lvl1 at 10g to make 25g a day. This would net in 150g a day with only 6 adepts.
- This is my fav so far as they could use that lvl 1 spell to heal the party if we are around and need it as well.