Quote Originally Posted by JackMage666 View Post
The Dex is the only problem. Kids are notoriously dextrous, hence why many olympian gymnasts are 12-15 (particularly females). Also, perceptions are actually better as Children (particularly with sound), because the senses haven't been dulled over years.
I sympathize with you on the gymnast issue; however, while children's sense may be duller, they are also more easily distracted and more credulous - not the kind of think that can be represented by an across-the-board Wisdom increase.

Also, this is kinda partial to humans. What about already small creatures, like Halflings? By you're rules, a Juvenile Halfling child is actually weaker than a Weasel.
So what? They're little kids. More to the point, they're little halfling kids, which makes them even littler. You might as well say that the rules are partial to half-orcs, since half-orcs are stronger than humans.