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Thread: A Dragon`s Egg

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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Oct 2007

    Default Re: A Dragon`s Egg

    The others have kind of hinted at this, but I don't think it's been said explicitly. I think a newborn dragon would probably operate on a much more innocent level than a mature, socialized one. Depending on how you play alignment in your game, this could mean it hatches as a true neutral and behaves as such, or it hatches as evil but doesn't strongly act on that alignment (and is somewhat malleable until it develops its own sense of self.)
    I like to play kind of loose with alignments, but also use them as a guide. In my own game, the wyrmling would hatch as neutral, but would be predisposed to vaguely evil acts, kind of like what nerulean said. It might be selfish, gluttonous, aggressive or short-tempered. My interpretation is that (sentient) monsters take on the ideals of an alignment due to their nature and ecology; metallic dragons take on good alignments because they're naturally altruistic, whereas chromatic dragons are cutthroat by nature and subscribe to evil ideals because that's how they can survive amidst their conspecifics.
    Last edited by seedjar; 2007-12-26 at 10:51 PM.