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Thread: Monks

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    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Jun 2007

    Default Re: Monks

    Quote Originally Posted by Thinker View Post
    So the monsters in your group are retarded and are pulled like an MMO? Wow, I guess we can see why they're not so bad in your games. Doing 38.5 damage per attack (including +5 enhancements and 20 strength) is still not impressive. Let's look at a barbarian: Str 37 [15 base + 2 racial + 5 levels + 6 item + 5 tome + 4 rage] is +13. Add 20 BAB, a +5 enhancement bonus, and +2 flanking. You get +40 to hit. He can power attack for a lot and still hit so he can deal plenty of damage per round, forcing massive damage saves and actually hurting the opponents.

    How does your monk handle flying enemies, anyway?

    If its not core how is the monk still competing at anything? It is made of fail and suck.
    If most creatures in the game weren't stupid, the characters would be killed outright in most low to mid level campaigns. In real life a party of first level adventrues would walk into a goblin village and get piled on by the whole village at the same time.

    The decoy tactic doesn't work on everything buts its good against zombies and stuff like that

    All the number I've been quoting have been without racial benefits or magic items (except when i was stalking strictly about magic items and the monk of course). I could just as readily picked a race with a strength bonus, taken power attack and used and enchanted spear to boost the numbers and a level of Raging monk. but thats more number crunching than I am willing to do while im working..

    Who is competing? Its a game and the purpose is to have fun, not compete. All Im saying than monks can be effective and (i cant believe im saying this) core isnt everything in some cases

    BTW.. he uses his light crossbow for flying enemies
    Last edited by new1965; 2008-01-02 at 03:51 PM.