I see I was right to get this critiqued. Glad I haven't committed any of this to paper yet. I should probably put that in the original post so it's clear.

Quote Originally Posted by Chronicled
You should have Extra Granted Maneuver (instead of, say, Improved Initiative), and Stone Power (instead of White Raven Defense or Cleave). Extra Granted Maneuver will give you a lot more flexibility, while Stone Power will work with your delayed damage pool to keep you on your feet all day.
In all honesty, I chose Improved Initiative because I couldn't think of what else to take. When I'm stuck on what feat to give a character, that and a few other feats (e.g Improved Toughness, Quick Draw) generally seem to show up on my sheet. As for Stone Power, that was a case of me skimming the feats table on page 30 of ToB and not noticing it. Now this little voice in my head is saying, “Oh, durr. That actually makes much more sense.”

Quote Originally Posted by Chronicled
Make sure to get the stance Thicket of Blades if you want to safeguard your friends.
Already on the menu for 8th level. I must say it looks very tasty. I just hope it comes with pie.

Now, a couple questions. Firstly, one concerning Devoted Bulwark. I know the additional +1 morale bonus to AC ain't gonna help all that much, and it requires getting hit to trigger (I know, I should be taking the hits and occasionally patching them up anyways). Is it honestly worth taking to grab Faith Unswerving and it's options later on? Secondly, since I'll be swapping out White Raven Defense for Stone Power, should I swap Power Attack for something else (like Improved Toughness or Martial Stance) as I can just use Stone Power qualify for feats that require Power Attack?

I apologize if I came off as a little hostile towards the next-to-last paragraph there. I've just had some much-less-than-fun moments when munchkins join the party I'm in. I thank you for your patience.

Peace out,
- Archetype-