Quote Originally Posted by ZombieRockStar View Post
That was my other thought. The only problem I can see is that there's a possibility for even bigger problems with the judges not getting their submissions in on time. And more work for the contestants.

Well...if we had four brackets like last time, then the two contestants judge for another bracket, and then a full judge (which I'd like to be) can judge all of them. Repeat for second round. Then for the third, the two who didn't make it into the finals can judge as well, hopefully.

As I said...I'd also like to run, if Vaynor wants to hand over those duties.
I don't mind running it, if you really want to, maybe do it together or you can just do it. I for one enjoy doing it, but the problem I seem to have is good ideas for prompts. If people could send me a bunch of ideas for prompts that would be awesome. In the meantime, I'll start up a IP III thread to gauge interest and we'll figure everything out there.