About to start a new campaign... the second since I started my DM sabbatical (long story). I'm the rare kind of player that would rather have a really interesting character that has a great place in the story rather than a super-powered one that can kill everything. I guess I'm the opposite of a munchkin.

Aaaannnnyyyyway, it took me a while to come up with a character concept that I like as much as the one in my other game (Valgoth, the dwarven transmutor/shaper of form), but I have. I'm going to tell you a little about the character, what I'd like to do with it, what I'm already planning on taking, and if you can think of something that would fit well, I'd love to hear about it. Or you can ignore me... whatever.

Tu-same Djëda, NE Asherati Ninja

Race from Sandstorm, class from Complete Adventurer.

The Asherati are desert people... they live under the sand. Look like somewhat thin humans with rust colored skin and no hair. Can make their body glow like a torch... I instantly dug the race upon reading it.

I'm planning on going into assassin... he's going to be the penultimate "out of the shadows, instant death" sort of killer. Stealthy to the max.

As far as alignment goes... he's just a drop onto the evil side. I like to think of him as kind of a gangster / major proponent of the death penalty... so he still works well with the party and authority... no stabbing people in their sleep.

He fights with an eagle's claw (weapon from sandstorm)... basically a dagger with two talon-like blades on either end. It's a racial weapon. I'll get it keened at the earliest possible time, making it 1d6/15-20 X2 (crit city, another cool mesh with the "strike once, strike hard" mantra) Wear's desert clothes under a large black cloak, complete with glasses (desert "sun goggles"), head wrap and mask.

Feats... improved initiative, and adding another sandstorm feat specific for his weapon with a flaw. That flaw is a homebrew fear of water. He's considered shaken on a boat or within any proximity to deep water. If he becomes submerged waist-deep in water, I think he passes out. Asherati are very dry people. Thinking of taking another flaw and get the feat that allows me to coup de grace as a standard action... or something else. Seems to work for an assassin type character.

Any suggestions and "this'd be cool"'s would be helpful... from equipment to feats to classes... anything. I really just wanted to write about my character.

Oh, and it's an Eberron game, and he's from Xen'Drik, the only place other than the Demon Wastes I could think of that has deserts. That can be changed to, if you can find a desert elsewhere in Eberron.

The end!